Exploring Careers Through Real-World Learning

We have experienced so many changes in the world of education and the world of work. Technology is constantly evolving, and skills in demand now may not be needed five years from now. Jobs are changing, technology is advancing rapidly, and careers that exist today may not exist in the future. We also have to remember that many jobs don’t exist yet that will need to be filled by the students in our classrooms today. How do we prepare for what we can’t truly know and understand? 

Students must have opportunities to explore a variety of topics and careers. They need experiences that will guide them to learn about their areas of interest and themselves. We need to spark curiosity about learning and help students discover what they might actually be interested in. 

Students must be active in learning and have time to explore the world around them. In some classrooms, students may experience passive learning and solely consume content rather than create it. To really enhance and transform learning for our students, we must create experiences that may even cause some good chaos. It might push us to shift from what has been a traditional classroom structure of our teaching practice. What I have learned by stepping out of my comfort zone and taking some risks is that learning can and should happen beyond our classroom space. We must embrace new learning models that promote student agency and spark student curiosity for learning. Using methods and creating opportunities that foster the development of essential SEL skills, we will best prepare students for the future through real-world learning opportunities. When they see the relevance of what they are learning and how that applies to the real world and careers that are available to them, it will boost interest and excitement for learning.

How do we prepare?

We have to consider which methods and tools will best meet the needs and interests of our students. In education, we have been focusing on developing “21st-century skills” for many years. We can’t possibly know everything about what the future holds for students when it comes to careers and specific skills, so to prepare, we must help students build a variety of skills, especially skills that are beneficial to many areas of work. Opportunities that support students as they learn how to adapt to changes and become flexible in learning and growing will prepare them for whatever the world of work will look like five, ten, or more years from now. I also recommend following the Job Skills Outlook Report shared by the World Economic Forum to look at the Top Ten Skills in Demand and gain insights into careers that are on the rise. In my STEAM class, we recently did some career research on areas such as Cybersecurity Experts, Ethical Hackers, Data Analysts, Smart City Developers and more.

Here are three more ways to spark curiosity for the future and engage students in career-focused learning:  

  1. CTE and Work-based learning: Students need to continue to learn about the career options that are available and how they may be changing. With CTE, work-based learning, and even job shadowing programs, students gain practical and real-world insights into different fields. Being able to experience what it is like in the work environment and interact with people working in careers of interest to students will have a bigger and more meaningful impact. By partnering with local businesses and professionals, inviting guest speakers, and involving students in real-world, hands-on projects, they will become more aware of the opportunities available. Through these experiences, they learn about what their interests are and how they can make an impact in the world.
  2. Place-based learning: By shifting our focus from solely the content area, we can identify a geographical area or the culture of a place as a way to build content knowledge and help students develop SEL skills. Through place-based learning, we place students into the community to collaborate with local businesses, entrepreneurs, and other organizations. These experiences allow students to apply the content they are learning in the real world and see the impact. These experiences foster the development of student agency, boost engagement and excitement for learning, and enhance student awareness of the issues in the world around them. To further engage students, we can arrange field trips to local industries, invite guest speakers to our schools, and have students research local challenges and offer solutions.
  3. Project-based learning (PBL): With PBL, students take the lead in deciding what they want to learn and how they want to learn it. With PBL, students choose an area of interest, design their own learning journey, and, throughout the experience, will see the “process” of learning rather than a finite endpoint. In our classroom, we explored a variety of student-chosen topics and also incorporated the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the projects. We can help students to become more globally aware and involved in finding solutions to challenges faced in the world. PBL helps students to become more independent in learning while developing essential SEL skills such as self-management and social awareness.

There are many more options available, but starting with just a few is the way to go. Think about your local community or reach to your global network. There are organizations available that help educators to provide these types of opportunities. While we may not know exactly which jobs will still exist, we do know that there are specific skills that will help students stay flexible and adapt to the changing landscape of learning and work. In real-world opportunities, students will make connections that will positively impact their learning and, hopefully, spark curiosity and excitement for learning!

About the Author:

Dr. Rachelle Dené Poth is a Spanish and STEAM: What’s Next in Emerging Technology Teacher at Riverview High School in Oakmont, PA. Rachelle is also an attorney with a Juris Doctor degree from Duquesne University School of Law and a Master’s in Instructional Technology. Rachelle received her Doctorate in Instructional Technology, and her research focus was on AI and Professional Development. In addition to teaching, she is a full-time consultant and works with companies and organizations to provide PD, speaking, and consulting services. Contact Rachelle for your event!

Rachelle is an ISTE-certified educator and community leader and served as president of the ISTE Teacher Education Network. She was named the EdTech Trendsetter of 2024 by EdTech Digest, One of 30 K-12 IT Influencers to follow in 2021 and one of 150 Women Global EdTech Thought Leaders in 2022.

She is the author of nine books including ‘In Other Words: Quotes That Push Our Thinking,” “Unconventional Ways to Thrive in EDU,” “The Future is Now: Looking Back to Move Ahead,” “Chart A New Course: A Guide to Teaching Essential Skills for Tomorrow’s World, “True Story: Lessons That One Kid Taught Us,” “Things I Wish […] Knew” and her newest “How To Teach AI” is available from ISTE or on Amazon.

Contact Rachelle to schedule sessions about Artificial Intelligence, Coding, AR/VR, and more for your school or your event! Submit the Contact Form.

Follow Rachelle on Twitter(X) and Instagram at @Rdene915

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