From Passive Video Consumption to Active, Personalized, Data-Driven Learning with AI

Sponsored post by Chris Petrie, via; opinions are those of the author

Language tutors are facing unprecedented challenges in keeping students engaged and motivated. The shift towards video-driven learning, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has only intensified these problems. With studies saying that GenZ students consume an average of 7.2 hours of video content daily and a staggering 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, educators are competing with a barrage of digital content designed for instant gratification. This massive influx of content, coupled with the addictive design of platforms like TikTok and Instagram, has made it increasingly difficult to capture and retain students’ attention. One key to overcoming this challenge lies in aligning educational content with student interests, but the heavy burden of personalizing interactive and engaging resources can be overwhelming.

Enter the power of AI in language learning. is transforming the way language educators personalize learning content by automating the creation of quiz games from any video in 20 different languages. This tool turns passive video watching into an active learning experience, making language comprehension both aligned with student interests and highly personalized.

Laura Homs Vilà from Couch Polyglot shares her experience:

“I was blown away by how fast it was possible to create such quizzes. It’s definitely a game-changer for teachers and learners alike, helping to clarify whether the video content was truly understood.”

Practical Strategies for Engaging Language Learning

Imagine many possibilities: an English video the student knows well paired with a Spanish quiz, or a Spanish video reinforcing language skills with a quiz in Spanish. The combinations can be tailored to suit any learning objective.

For a creative approach, consider using the learner’s favorite music videos. A familiar Taylor Swift song, for instance, could be the basis for a quiz in a different language (click here for a Spanish quiz, for example), making learning both fun and engaging.

Another great strategy is to get students into study groups and have them engage in peer assessment; they can easily create quiz games for each other from their favorite videos as a powerful way to learn together.

How Kwizie works in 3 steps:

1. Select Content: Start by choosing video content that resonates with your students’ interests. For example, a short National Geographic documentary on sharks could captivate a student fascinated by marine life. Kwizie’s AI can then generate a quiz based on this content in 20 languages.

2. Share and Collaborate: Once the quiz is generated, you can edit what you like and set the quiz conditions. Then, sharing it with students is done in one click.

3. Leverage Analytics for Future Learning: Kwizie provides valuable analytics that offer insights into student engagement and listening comprehension. This data-driven approach allows educators to tailor their delivery strategies to meet the individual needs of their students. For more advanced learners, incorporating activities like recording their own presentation and speaking sessions can add an extra layer of challenge and engagement for audiences.


By leveraging Kwizie’s AI capabilities, educators can significantly increase the rate of language learning while radically decreasing the time spent creating personalized and engaging learning experiences. This not only motivates learners but also sets them on a path to success, which is the ultimate goal for any educator.

“I have to say this technology is outstanding! It’s one of the most impressive quiz-making tools

that we’ve come across. It does it instantly. It does it in seconds. It even makes it a little gamified.” – Russell Stannard from Teacher Training Videos

It is free to try – it takes less than a few minutes to get your first quiz up and running, and, with a special offer, to try Kwizie for just $1 in the first month. Visit and click “Try Now for Free” to embark on a journey that transforms passive video consumption into an active, data-driven learning adventure.

Chris Petrie, PhD, CEO & Co-Founder

Helsinki, Finland


Chris Petrie is the CEO and Co-Founder of, bringing 20 years of experience in education, research, and product leadership. Previously, he has led more than 25 global research projects for well-known international clients, including Supercell, the OECD, the LEGO Foundation, and the World Bank.

Twitter/X: @Chrispetrie6

#languagelearning #Kwizie #polyglot #activelearning #videolearning #aiineducation #educationinnovation #edtech

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