From Passive Video Consumption to Active, Personalized, Data-Driven Learning with AI

Sponsored post by Chris Petrie, via; opinions are those of the author

Language tutors are facing unprecedented challenges in keeping students engaged and motivated. The shift towards video-driven learning, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has only intensified these problems. With studies saying that GenZ students consume an average of 7.2 hours of video content daily and a staggering 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, educators are competing with a barrage of digital content designed for instant gratification. This massive influx of content, coupled with the addictive design of platforms like TikTok and Instagram, has made it increasingly difficult to capture and retain students’ attention. One key to overcoming this challenge lies in aligning educational content with student interests, but the heavy burden of personalizing interactive and engaging resources can be overwhelming.

Enter the power of AI in language learning. is transforming the way language educators personalize learning content by automating the creation of quiz games from any video in 20 different languages. This tool turns passive video watching into an active learning experience, making language comprehension both aligned with student interests and highly personalized.

Laura Homs Vilà from Couch Polyglot shares her experience:

“I was blown away by how fast it was possible to create such quizzes. It’s definitely a game-changer for teachers and learners alike, helping to clarify whether the video content was truly understood.”

Practical Strategies for Engaging Language Learning

Imagine many possibilities: an English video the student knows well paired with a Spanish quiz, or a Spanish video reinforcing language skills with a quiz in Spanish. The combinations can be tailored to suit any learning objective.

For a creative approach, consider using the learner’s favorite music videos. A familiar Taylor Swift song, for instance, could be the basis for a quiz in a different language (click here for a Spanish quiz, for example), making learning both fun and engaging.

Another great strategy is to get students into study groups and have them engage in peer assessment; they can easily create quiz games for each other from their favorite videos as a powerful way to learn together.

How Kwizie works in 3 steps:

1. Select Content: Start by choosing video content that resonates with your students’ interests. For example, a short National Geographic documentary on sharks could captivate a student fascinated by marine life. Kwizie’s AI can then generate a quiz based on this content in 20 languages.

2. Share and Collaborate: Once the quiz is generated, you can edit what you like and set the quiz conditions. Then, sharing it with students is done in one click.

3. Leverage Analytics for Future Learning: Kwizie provides valuable analytics that offer insights into student engagement and listening comprehension. This data-driven approach allows educators to tailor their delivery strategies to meet the individual needs of their students. For more advanced learners, incorporating activities like recording their own presentation and speaking sessions can add an extra layer of challenge and engagement for audiences.


By leveraging Kwizie’s AI capabilities, educators can significantly increase the rate of language learning while radically decreasing the time spent creating personalized and engaging learning experiences. This not only motivates learners but also sets them on a path to success, which is the ultimate goal for any educator.

“I have to say this technology is outstanding! It’s one of the most impressive quiz-making tools

that we’ve come across. It does it instantly. It does it in seconds. It even makes it a little gamified.” – Russell Stannard from Teacher Training Videos

It is free to try – it takes less than a few minutes to get your first quiz up and running, and, with a special offer, to try Kwizie for just $1 in the first month. Visit and click “Try Now for Free” to embark on a journey that transforms passive video consumption into an active, data-driven learning adventure.

Chris Petrie, PhD, CEO & Co-Founder

Helsinki, Finland


Chris Petrie is the CEO and Co-Founder of, bringing 20 years of experience in education, research, and product leadership. Previously, he has led more than 25 global research projects for well-known international clients, including Supercell, the OECD, the LEGO Foundation, and the World Bank.

Twitter/X: @Chrispetrie6

#languagelearning #Kwizie #polyglot #activelearning #videolearning #aiineducation #educationinnovation #edtech

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Enhancing STEM Learning: The Role of Ethical AI-Powered Text-to-Speech Technology

In collaboration with ReadSpeaker

In the world of education, particularly in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), accessibility and engagement are paramount. However, traditional methods of instruction often fall short in providing accommodations for diverse learning needs and fostering active participation. Enter ethical AI-powered text-to-speech (TTS) technology, a tool revolutionizing the educational landscape by bridging accessibility gaps and enhancing learner engagement in STEM content.

Focus on accessibility

Accessibility in education means providing equal opportunities for all learners, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Visual impairments, learning disabilities, dyslexia, neurodiversity, and language barriers can pose significant challenges for individuals seeking to access STEM materials. Traditional textbooks are often overfilled with complex diagrams, graphs, and equations. These can create formidable obstacles for these students. However, TTS technology offers a solution by converting written text into spoken words, making STEM content accessible through auditory means. Through the seamless integration of TTS technology into digital platforms and Learning Management Systems (LMS), learners can engage with scientific concepts with ease and independence.

The benefits of TTS

Moreover, TTS technology transcends accessibility barriers to benefit a broader spectrum of learners, including those without disabilities. By providing alternative modalities for accessing information, TTS provides diverse learning methods. Learners thrive by adding auditory environments, where they can process and retain information more effectively through listening rather than reading. TTS facilitates this auditory learning process by transforming written STEM content into engaging audio presentations, which helps with enhancing comprehension and retention.

Additionally, TTS technology acts as a catalyst for increasing engagement among STEM learners. Engagement is crucial for fostering a deeper understanding of complex scientific concepts and promoting lifelong learning. However, traditional instructional materials often fail to captivate students’ interest, leading to disengagement and disinterest in STEM subjects. AI-powered TTS addresses this issue by transforming static text into dynamic, interactive experiences. By incorporating natural language processing and speech synthesis algorithms, TTS systems deliver content with human-like intonation and expression, capturing learners’ attention and sustaining their engagement throughout the learning process.

TTS technology also enables personalized learning experiences tailored to individual needs and preferences. Through customizable settings such as playback speed, voice selection, and highlighting options, learners can adapt the TTS output to suit their unique learning styles. For example, students can adjust the playback speed to accommodate their preferred pace of learning or select voices that resonate with them personally. These customization features empower learners to take control of their learning journey, promoting autonomy and self-directed learning.

TTS technology facilitates multimodal learning experiences by integrating audio with visual and interactive elements. For instance, TTS-enabled e-books can synchronize spoken text with highlighted visuals, enabling learners to follow along seamlessly. Additionally, interactive simulations and virtual labs accompanied by TTS narration offer hands-on learning opportunities, further enhancing engagement and understanding. By leveraging the power of AI and multimedia integration, TTS technology transforms static STEM content into dynamic, immersive learning experiences that appeal to learners of all ages and backgrounds.

In conclusion, AI-powered text-to-speech technology represents a paradigm shift in STEM education, offering unparalleled accessibility and engagement for learners worldwide. By breaking down barriers to access and fostering interactive learning experiences, TTS technology empowers individuals to explore the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with newfound enthusiasm and confidence. As technology continues to evolve, so will the possibilities for leveraging AI to enhance STEM education and inspire the next generation of innovators and problem solvers.

See for more information. Interested in seeing how TTS would look in your environment? Contact us at

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Contact Rachelle to schedule sessions about Artificial Intelligence, Coding, AR/VR, and more for your school or your event! Submit the Contact Form.

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The Benefits of Adventure/Outdoor Education

Guest post by Jeremy Jorgensen, @jeremyajorg

Adventure beckons to us all.

The thrill of the unknown, the beauty of nature, and the lessons learned along the way make it a truly engaging experience. Working as a camp counselor and leading 9-15-year-olds on outdoor adventures led me to become a teacher in the first place. I took kids canoeing in Canada, hiking in the Porcupine Mountains, and mountain biking on the CAMBA trail system.

This was before the advent of cell phones and social media. Now that screens are omnipresent and social media has hijacked young people’s dopamine pathways, these outdoor, unplugged experiences are more necessary than ever. All children can benefit from solitude and reflection.

What is Adventure/Outdoor Education?

Adventure/Outdoor Education is an experiential learning method that takes place in an outdoor setting. It involves activities like hiking, camping, rock climbing, and canoeing to promote personal growth, develop social skills, and enhance physical and mental health. In the purest sense, adventure can be anything that takes you out of your comfort zone.

The Benefits of Adventure/Outdoor Education

  • Personal Development: Engaging in outdoor activities fosters self-confidence and resilience. It pushes individuals out of their comfort zones and encourages them to tackle challenges head-on, leading to a sense of personal achievement.
  • Social Skills: Adventure/outdoor education is often a group endeavor, promoting teamwork, leadership, and communication skills. It teaches individuals to collaborate effectively and respect others’ perspectives.
  • Physical Health: The active nature of outdoor activities provides a great workout, improving cardiovascular health, flexibility, and strength. Physical activity also translates into better academic performance.
  • Mental Health: The great outdoors is a natural stress reliever. It calms the mind and boosts mood, helping to combat conditions like anxiety and depression.
  • Connection with Nature: Adventure/outdoor education promotes environmental awareness and fosters a deep connection with nature. This connection instills a sense of responsibility toward preserving our natural environment.
  • Resilience: Adventure builds resilience, teamwork, problem-solving skills, and self-confidence. Hands-on activities in real-world settings connect classroom concepts to real-life experiences.

How to Incorporate Adventure/Outdoor Education

Incorporating adventure/outdoor education into your school curriculum may seem challenging, but it need not be a daunting task. It’s important to remember that even small, simple activities can have a big impact. Starting with activities like nature walks or camping trips can be an excellent way to introduce students to the outdoors. These activities provide an opportunity for physical activity and allow students to observe and interact with the natural world around them.

Organizing field trips to natural reserves is another effective way to incorporate outdoor education. These trips can be linked to various subjects in the curriculum, making learning more engaging and relevant for students. For example, visiting a forest reserve can enhance biology, geography, and environmental science lessons. You could partner with a camp or university with experience in leading this type of programming.

Outdoor activities can also be integrated into the physical education curriculum. Activities like hiking, rock climbing, biking, rollerblading, or canoeing can be great for developing physical strength and endurance and promoting teamwork and leadership skills.

Remember, the goal is to step out, explore, and learn from the greatest teacher of all – nature.

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About the Author

In Jeremy’s 25 years as an 8th-grade teacher, he has been dedicated to fostering a love for learning and creating engaging classroom environments. He specializes in teaching physical science and social studies and serving as a homeroom crew leader. He is passionate about incorporating innovative teaching strategies, such as the learning teams model, to promote student engagement and a sense of belonging. His goal is to empower students and inspire them to reach their full potential in and out of the classroom.



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The Truth About Learning Styles

Guest Post by Grace Coderre, Renee Graczyk, Lucy Vician

Opinions expressed are those of the authors

“Learning styles” is a concept that perpetuates the idea that certain individuals learn better when information is presented in their preferred style of learning (e.g., visual, auditory, kinesthetic). Diagnosing and presenting information according to learning styles has been a prominent practice in K-12 through higher education learning environments for years. There is also a thriving industry devoted to producing learning styles materials, including learning style tests, guidebooks, and workshops, all designed to assist educators in understanding and effectively teaching to students based on their specific style.

Upon copious research, we have concluded that learning styles lack credible validity and should not continue in educational settings. There are serious implications from accepting learning styles as fact. First of all, schools are wasting valuable and limited time and resources dedicating their practice to this misconception. Teachers spend precious time and effort catering to children’s learning styles when they could otherwise be implementing strategies scientifically proven to help students learn. The use of learning styles also limits student’s ability to overcome obstacles and develop a growth mindset, a crucial aspect of resilience. Students who are taught and believe that they can only learn through one style may reject instruction that does not reflect their chosen mode.

Learning styles are commonly chosen based on the individual’s perceived favorable mode of receiving information. However, this self-report may not be accurate and neglects to address the issue that one learning style may not be applicable to the multitude of modes needed to teach the variety of subjects mandated by the curriculum. The fact stands that the modes of teaching are dictated by the subject being taught. For example, students who are being taught geography will benefit from visually seeing a map in order to understand the content. Self-proclaimed “auditory learners” will not better understand geography based on an auditory explanation of the content (Marshik, 2015).

One of the main issues with the concept of learning styles is that it does not encourage students to struggle with learning in different ways. In reality, students need to be able to adapt to learning in different ways. Students will face a diverse set of lessons in their schooling that use different modes of learning. At some point, students will come face to face with lessons that need them to focus on being kinesthetic, auditory, visual, or tactile learners, either individually or all at the same time. The joy of learning and education is that you can do it in so many ways, which begs the question of why are we subjecting students to only focus on one type? Instead of spending so much time on having students figure out which learning style suits them best and altering lessons to fit those results, teachers should aim to help students embrace all styles while keeping an open mind.

Theresa LeBlanc from Texas University did a study on this subject and concluded that “teaching students the cognitive processes and skills involved in learning—those strategies that help learners think, solve problems, and create meaning—can similarly empower students, not with a false sense that one can learn only one or two ways, but with an understanding that learning is multifaceted, reflecting different combinations of learning abilities that make us effective in different ways” (LeBlanc, 2018, p. 39).

Students will be much more effective learners if they can adapt to any style of teaching and learning. Teachers can promote this idea of learning style flexibility while also celebrating student differences. While learning styles don’t have sufficient evidence, it is true that students learn best in different ways. Teachers can help students notice these differences and embrace them as a way to celebrate the uniqueness of learning. This is a much better use of time and resources in school than promoting an idea that has no adequate evidence to back it up.

But why has this educational myth persisted for so long, and more importantly, how can we, as future teachers, examine popular teaching approaches through a critical lens? Researchers, including Riener and Willingham (2010), believe that the confirmation bias has given us reason to believe that one learning style works best for everyone. Reiner and Willingham stated that “when evaluating our own beliefs, we tend to seek out information that confirms our beliefs and ignore contrary information, even when we encounter it repeatedly. When we see someone who professes to be a visual learner excel at geography and an auditory learner excel at music, we do not seek out the information which would disprove our interpretation of these events” (p. 35). These scholars believe that, in order to critically examine popular teaching approaches which might not be based in evidence, or even worse, might be harming our students’ learning, we need to be able to challenge our existing beliefs rather than accept what others say at face value.

Author Bios:

Grace Coderre is majoring in Early Childhood Education and minoring in Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Renee Graczyk is a third year student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, majoring in Early Childhood Education and minoring in Psychology.

Lucy Vician is majoring in Early Childhood Education and minoring in Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

About Rachelle’s blog

Contact Rachelle to schedule sessions about Artificial Intelligence, Coding, AR/VR, and more for your school or your event! Submit the Contact Form.

Follow Rachelle on Twitter(X) and Instagram at @Rdene915

**Interested in writing a guest blog for my site? Would love to share your ideas! Submit your post here. Looking for a new book to read? Find these available at

************ Also check out my THRIVEinEDU Podcast Here!

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LeBlanc, T. (2018). Learning styles: Academic fact or urban myth? A recent review of the literature. Journal of College Academic Support Programs, 1(1), 34–40.

Marshik, T. (2015). Learning styles and the importance of critical self-reflection [Video]. TEDxTalk.

Reiner, C. & Willingham, D. (2010). The myth of learning styles. Change,

42(5), 32–35.

Blogging to Counter False Knowledge

A Closer Look

Guest post by Miles DeMacedo, Kylie Gannon, and Pierre Ayer, Opinions expressed are those of the authors.

Schools across the United States have been grappling with how to improve student engagement, quality of work, and attitude toward learning. Administrators and teachers alike are blaming cell phones and their widespread use in schools for distracting students from what they should be focusing on – their learning. 

In a congressional press release, Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas stated: “Widespread use of cellphones in schools are at best a distraction for young Americans; at worst, they expose schoolchildren to content that is harmful and addictive,” (as cited in Langreo, 2023, para. 6). Proponents contend that students are using cellphones in manners that hinder not just their own learning but also that of their peers (Ugur & Koc, 2015). As a result, schools across the U.S. and even other countries have implemented such bans. 

What are the results? A number of studies have found that there has been an increase in student test scores (Beland, 2021) and noticeable reductions of bullying incidence among teenagers (Beneito, Vincente-Chrivella, 2022).

That’s quite the claim! We’re inclined to believe it, too. It seems like common sense, and the claims are based on research. The writing is on the wall: Smartphones in schools are on their way out, as they should be! However, that might not be the whole story. The issue at hand requires a more nuanced look at schools, students, and their relationship with smartphones. Let’s dive deeper!

In the current climate, it is safe to say that smartphones and how they are utilized are criticized. Senator Tom Cotton will have you believe that they are nothing but insidious devices that demand the attention of your children. While there is some truth to this, Tom Cotton fails to consider the potential positives of smartphones and what they can bring to the table for students seeking to learn. While each new piece of technology produces a wave of skepticism, McKenna (2023) says that “banning a technology or behavior prematurely, based on its initial negative impacts, can prevent society from learning how to adapt to and effectively manage the technology” (para. 15).

One argument for allowing cellphones in schools is that they allow for students to practice control over their actions and responsible technology use, becoming more active learners in the classroom. Chris Davis, a teacher in Glendale Unified School District, noted that with clear expectations, “the classroom rewards outweigh the risks of a more open policy” (as cited in Walker, 2016, para. 3).  

A large portion of teachers are already having students utilize their cellphones for learning. One study surveyed 79 teachers to determine their perceptions of using cellphones for classroom instruction, and “findings indicated that the majority (69%) of teachers support the use of cellphones in the classroom and were presently using them for school-related work” (Thomas et al., 2013, para. 1). 

Even in schools with strict cellphone ban policies, students are still using cellphones in the classroom as requested by teachers. At South Eugene High School, the policy is that students keep their cellphones off and out of sight during class unless instructed otherwise. One teacher working under this policy, Bobbie Willis, says she asks students to use their cellphones as documentation tools used to record or take photos. “The convenience makes her wonder if the phones are more valuable than the school-issued laptop” (Snelling, 2024, para. 19).

But what about the test score improvements cited in the Beland and Murphy study in Swedish secondary schools? Well, a study was done to replicate those claims, with an increase in the survey response rate of schools to approximately 75% (a bigger sample size than the original study), it was found that there was “no impact of mobile phone bans on student performance and [we] can reject even small-sized gains” (Kessel et al., 2020, Abstract).

Another important note to consider is the student’s perspective. After all, these are the people that cellphone ban policies affect most. Overall, these policies can be discouraging to students because they take away their ability to make their own choices when it comes to the use of technology. Teaching responsibility must include some level of trust, otherwise the school atmosphere can become hostile. The relationship between the students and the school can significantly affect a student’s learning (Singer, 2023).

So, are cell phone bans in schools the answer to the lack of engagement from students? Well, like we said previously, this issue requires a more nuanced view. At the very least, there is a need for school policymakers to align cell phone rules and restrictions accordingly (Keengwe, 2012, para. 1). Then it becomes a matter of using a variety of approaches, looking at the research, and adapting accordingly. 

Author Bios

Miles DeMacedo is majoring in Community Education and Social Change at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He has also applied to the 4+1 masters program for higher education at UMass Amherst.

Kylie Gannon is majoring in Physics with minors in Mathematics and Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Outside of the classroom, she is an instructor at an educational maker-space, teaching children and teens about robotics and coding.  

Pierre Ayer is majoring in Community Education and Social Change at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.


  1. Beland. (2021, March 25). Banning mobile phones in schools can improve students’ academic performance. This is how we know. World Leading Higher Education Information and Services. 
  2. Beneito, P. and Vicente-Chirivella, Ó. (2022). Banning mobile phones in schools: Evidence from regional-level policies in Spain. Applied Economic Analysis, 30(90), 153-175.   
  3. Keengwe, J., Schnellert, G. & Jonas, D. (2014). Mobile phones in education: Challenges and opportunities for learning. Education and Information Technologies, 19, 441–450.  
  4. Kessel, D., Hardardottir, H. L., & Tyrefors, B. (2020). The impact of banning mobile phones in Swedish secondary schools. Economics of Education Review, 77, 102009.  
  5. Langreo, L. (2023, November 21). Should more schools ban cellphones? It’s a question U.S. lawmakers want answered. Education Week.  
  6. McKenna, J. (2023, November 13). Navigating the digital tide: Balancing technology and engagement in modern education. Medium. 
  7. Thomas, K., O’Bannon, B., & Bolton, N., (2013). Cell Phones in the Classroom: Teachers’ Perspectives of Inclusion, Benefits, and Barriers. Computers in the Schools, 30(4), 295-308,
  8. Singer, N. (2023, October 31). This Florida school district banned cellphones. Here’s what happened. The New York Times. 
  9. Snelling, J. (2024, January 8). Do smartphones belong in schools? A look at different approaches. ISTE. 
  10. Uğur, N. G., & Koç, T. (2015, December 30). Mobile phones as distracting tools in the classroom: College students perspective. The Journal of Operations Research, Statistics, Econometrics and Management Information Systems. 
  11. Walker, T. (n.d.). By opening the door to cell phones, are schools also feeding an addiction? NEA. 
  12. Zalaznick, M. (2024, January 17). Want students to be more engaged? Don’t ban cellphones!, District Administration. 

Contact Rachelle to schedule sessions about Artificial Intelligence, Coding, AR/VR, and more for your school or your event! Submit the Contact Form.

Follow Rachelle on Twitter(X) and Instagram at @Rdene915

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Empowering Teachers with Conversational AI

In collaboration with Kyron Learning, All opinions are my own

As educators, we have access to a wide variety of digital tools to bring into our classrooms. We use these to enhance learning and provide new opportunities for students to build content knowledge, as well as help them to develop essential digital skills. With the right methods and tools, educators are able to achieve the goal of providing the most authentic, meaningful, and personalized learning experiences for all students. Leveraging these resources helps us to do this more efficiently and effectively and enables us to provide timely feedback and support to our students.

Now, with the power of generative AI, there are even more valuable resources available for educators to bring into their classrooms. We can use these tools to enhance the content being taught and also to support students so they learn how to interact with AI responsibly and safely.

Kyron Learning is a revolutionary interactive video learning platform that leverages conversational AI to transform the way educators can support their students. Kyron empowers teachers by saving them time, personalizing instruction, and providing valuable student data. With Kyron, students have access to a personal tutor who works with them as they build their skills in an engaging space. The power of AI helps teachers create interactive lessons that are student-paced and student-focused. As students work through a lesson, it truly feels like a one-on-one tutoring session with a real teacher. Students can ask and respond to questions, engage in further discussions, and receive immediate feedback, all made possible by Kyron’s AI assistant. The “conversational engine” listens to the student’s responses and selects the most appropriate pre-recorded video segment to play next. When you try a Kyron lesson for the first time, you will be amazed at how well it flows!

Using Kyron, teachers can provide additional opportunities for students that give them more individualized learning experiences. It is easy to get started by simply choosing from the many lessons already available for students. Are you teaching math? Explore the lessons available such as “Base Ten,” “Place Value,” or “Comparing Fractions.” You will see the objectives, the number of lessons, and the languages available. You can even choose your tutor! With Kyron, teachers also have access to resources such as blogs and other materials to get them started!

Kyron Studio

Newly available in March, teachers can now create their own lessons for students using Kyron Studio! In addition to what Kyron already provides, with Kyron Studio, teachers can become AI tutors! Educators are also able to share and collaborate on lessons, leveraging the collective expertise of the teaching community. In Kyron Studio, teachers can design multi-modal AI-facilitated tutoring sessions for their students and make them even more personalized.

The sessions can be customized based on each teacher’s curriculum and include videos and visuals. It is a learning experience that engages and helps every learner to understand a concept in an authentic way and at their own pace.

Getting started with Kyron Studio is easy! You simply enter your objectives and provide relevant information about your learners, and a lesson outline with materials and questions will be generated. Once the lesson is generated, teachers can make any changes to the AI-generated content.

Learning with Kyron is fun!

As students work through lessons, they experience those “aha” moments when they finally understand something, and you can see their excitement! It is an engaging learning experience for students and one that also teaches them about purposeful and safe uses of AI. It benefits teachers because they can see students’ progress and support them right when they need it! While we all know technology can’t replicate the relationships between a teacher and a student, Kyron aims to also provide a supportive digital environment where students feel seen and valued.

I worked through several lessons and really enjoyed the experience. It was very different from other interactive lessons and platforms that place students in the lead. To start, I spent time selecting a lesson to dive into and then was surprised that I was able to choose my tutor! I enjoyed testing how my tutor would respond to my answers and questions. I told my tutor that I was confused, entered incorrect answers, and asked for help and more clarification. Each time it responded to me in such a personalized way that helped me to understand. If I got an answer wrong, my tutor provided me with an explanation or another example. It was amazing to see how well it responded to my questions and adjusted similarly to how a teacher would with students in the classroom.

Some of the great features of Kyron are:

Multimodal Learning: Lessons can incorporate videos, images, and text, catering to diverse learning preferences and creating a more engaging experience.

Easy Lesson Creation: Kyron Studio offers an automated and user-friendly interface for educators to build custom AI-powered tutoring sessions.

Educator Choice: Educators control lesson content, can upload their own visuals, and curate the questions and answers, which makes it more authentic for students.

Assessment and Misconception Detection: Kyron identifies student misconceptions during lessons, providing valuable insights for educators to personalize and target instruction.

Focus on Safety and Ethics: Kyron prioritizes student safety by implementing controls and moderation layers to prevent inappropriate interactions.

Commitment to Transparency: User data is anonymized and used ethically to enhance the platform.

Supporting Educators and Students

In an increasingly digital world, especially with the rapid advancements in AI, what I value about Kyron is its approach when it comes to the use of AI and the creation of this platform. The key principles are:

  • Connect, Engage, Encourage: When students complete a lesson, they are supported and receive encouraging feedback during their learning journey.
  • Teach Through Dialogue: The lessons are interactive and fun for students to complete because they are involved in a conversation. Through prompts that promote critical thinking and problem-solving, students can build their skills in ways that meet their pace and specific needs.
  • Work in Concert with Teachers: Kyron provides high-quality, differentiated curriculum and gives teachers access to real-time student progress data. It helps teachers to target instruction and personalize instruction for every student.

There are so many great lessons available to start with, or just dive in and create your own lesson in very little time. I definitely recommend that you try some lessons to experience how unique Kyron is.

Ready to transform your classroom and empower your students? Visit Kyron Learning today at and see how Kyron can help you create a personalized and engaging learning experience for all students!

And if you want to learn more and connect with other educators, Kyron just launched a community for educators called the Visionaries! Educators can join at Explore the great resources such as tutorials and more!

About the Author:

Rachelle Dené is a Spanish and STEAM: What’s Next in Emerging Technology Teacher at Riverview High School in Oakmont, PA. Rachelle is also an attorney with a Juris Doctor degree from Duquesne University School of Law and a Master’s in Instructional Technology. Rachelle is currently finishing her doctorate with a focus on AI and Professional Development. In addition to teaching, she is a full-time consultant and works with companies and organizations to provide PD, speaking, and consulting services. Contact Rachelle for your event!

Rachelle is an ISTE-certified educator and community leader and served as president of the ISTE Teacher Education Network. She was named one of 30 12 IT Influencers to follow in 2021 and one of 150 Women Global EdTech Thought Leaders in 2022.

She is the author of eight books including ‘In Other Words: Quotes That Push Our Thinking,” “Unconventional Ways to Thrive in EDU,” “The Future is Now: Looking Back to Move Ahead,” “Chart A New Course: A Guide to Teaching Essential Skills for Tomorrow’s World, “True Story: Lessons That One Kid Taught Us,” and her newest book “Things I Wish […] Knew” is now available at

Contact Rachelle to schedule sessions about Artificial Intelligence, Coding, AR/VR, and more for your school or your event! Submit the Contact Form.

Follow Rachelle on Twitter(X) and Instagram at @Rdene915

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Facing the Fog

Guest post by Dr. Amy Mathews-Perez, a Director of Special Programs in a public school in Central Texas who also serves on the Board of Directors for the Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education (TCASE). Connect with Amy on X (formerly Twitter) at @drgrowtoknow and on Facebook at DrAmy MP.

Have you ever driven through fog? Depending on how dense it is, it can be eerie or ethereal. Sometimes the fog seems to just appear and other times, you can see it in the distance as you approach. When you are driving through dense fog, you tend to slow down because it can be hard to see what is right in front of you. Likewise, it can be difficult to know or see when the fog will end. There are times that it dissipates slowly, and other times when you drive right out of it sooner than expected.

Now, replace the image of fog with the challenges you are facing. “Challenges” can also be described as roadblocks, obstacles, or enigmas. There are many ways that fog and a challenge are similar. Perhaps if we consider those similarities both in CONTENT and APPROACH, we can improve our perspective and progress regarding challenges.

A key characteristic that fog and challenges have in common is that they are temporary…as long as you are moving through them. To stay stuck – or allow yourself to get stuck – in a challenge is like parking your car on the side of the road in the fog and just waiting until the fog goes away. What a waste of time and gas…plus you’ll be late to your destination! Face the fog with intention, cautious movement toward your goal and awareness of your surroundings.

Just like fog, sometimes challenges come out of nowhere – they blind you without warning, or they seem like “no big deal” until you get up close & personal. One potential response in that situation is to rush through and hope you get out of it soon, but that is a huge risk because you may not be able to see that vehicle coming toward you/up behind you until they are within 10 feet of you and then you have to REACT instead of respond. Same with challenges: if we rush through them without learning from them, without going slow enough to see the challenge in a different way, it can result in a crash between our goals and actions; that momentum of rushing can set us back instead of moving us forward.

Face the fog, don’t race the fog.

Just like challenges, fog can seem ubiquitous & consuming; it may blur our goals. But let’s think about it like this: What is fog made of? The condensation of water vapor; tiny liquid water droplets that hang in the air. What are challenges made of? The condensation of choices & opportunities that hang in your mental space. Embrace the mystery of progress, take the time you need to navigate your path and clarity to your goals as you face the fog.

About Amy

Texas-born & raised, Amy is in her 32nd year of serving public education. Her roles have included General Ed. Teacher, SLP, Diagnostician, SPED Supervisor, Assistant Principal, Principal and Director of Special Education.

She is the CEO of Making Education Special for All (M.E.S.A), an LLC dedicated to training, facilitation, consultation, and speaking engagements that revolve around information, motivation, and insights on why and how to make education special for all stakeholders. Her passions are communication, joy, authenticity, and empowerment.

“Life is short but our influence is never-ending,” and Amy is committed to connecting with others through service and smiles.

About Rachelle

Contact Rachelle to schedule sessions about Artificial Intelligence, Coding, AR/VR, and more for your school or your event! Submit the Contact Form.

Follow Rachelle on Twitter(X) and Instagram at @Rdene915

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Innovation with PASCO in the Classroom

In collaboration with PASCO Scientific, All opinions are my own

As educators, our work extends beyond teaching our content. We are preparing our students for a rapidly evolving world that is experiencing changes in the world of work, especially because of the impact of technology. There is an increasing demand for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) skills, with a continued growth in the number of STEM-related jobs available. Therefore, introducing STEM in all classrooms will best prepare students with the skills necessary to thrive as the world of work continues to change. Finding the right methods and tools is key. PASCO Scientific is a great option for educators looking to get started with STEM.

PASCO has developed tools and resources that make STEM learning engaging, interactive, and relevant for all students. My most recent exploration of their Coding with Vehicle Sensor Technologies Kit has been a great addition to my STEAM class and is easy to get started with!

Learning about sensors and more

The Coding Kit enables students to explore physical science by designing, testing, measuring, and coding with sensors that are similar to the technology used in modern vehicles. Because the kit provides students with a hands-on learning experience, it helps them to think about abstract and complex concepts and also sparks curiosity about how things work. It places them in the lead more with problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration with classmates and engages them in a variety of beneficial learning experiences. All of these are essential skills that are in demand and will lead to success for students.

What makes PASCO different

The way that PASCO provides the materials for educators and students makes it easy to get started. The kit includes everything that enables educators and students to start right away. The kit comes with the //code.Node is a wireless device that has six sensor inputs, a speaker, RGB light, and an LED array. It’s designed to make data collection and analysis more intuitive for students, encouraging them to explore and develop an understanding of various phenomena through block-based programming. Because the device is user-friendly, it requires minimal setup and supports students so they can dive right into experiments and have more time to explore and take on the learning challenges! The //code.Node Cart amplifies the learning by giving students the chance to engage in a more immersive exploration of vehicle sensing technology and it is a lot of fun for students to work with it in class and develop an understanding of what goes into programming vehicles and leads them to think about autonomous vehicles and all of the considerations that need to be made.

The Teacher guide is well-designed to help with setting up the code.Node. It helps with understanding the components of the kit and how to get students started. The student activities workbook provides a variety of lessons and learning opportunities for students to explore. I like how it explains concepts to students, gives them space to write and reflect, and various challenges to try to build their skills. The hands-on experiments are so valuable for students, and with everything provided in the kit, getting started was quite simple and not time-consuming.

Great resources for learning!

[Sample challenge in the student activities workbook]

There are activities like engineering turn signals and creating impact alert systems. These were exciting for students to learn about and enhanced their understanding of the science behind vehicle technology. Each activity is designed in alignment with science standards and helps to foster skills across different STEM disciplines, including data analysis, mathematics, and even language arts, as students share what they have learned and even present their findings to classmates.

[Sample pages in student activities workbook]

Taking the learning experience a step further, the //code.Node Cart transforms the //code.Node into a programmable vehicle sensing device. Students can replicate, program, and investigate automotive technology and learn about the work of engineers, which is a great way for students to explore potential careers and engage in authentic and meaningful learning!

Using the //code.Node Cart, students were able to simulate real-life engineering tasks, from programming turn signals to exploring the dynamics of crash tests. With the hands-on approach and the use of real-world scenarios, it also helps students to develop essential skills of problem-solving, creativity, collaboration and more while fostering a deeper understanding of both the technology and the engineering design process.

The Ease of Block-Based Coding with Blockly

Another great feature is its use of Blockly for coding. Coding can be scary for some, and getting started can be a challenge, depending on the type of coding program involved. However, with PASCO, the use of block-based programming language helps to simplify the coding process, which makes it more accessible for all students. By connecting visual blocks, students can build their skills in coding by first mastering programming basics without worrying about starting with something very complex. With this approach, students can shift their focus on the logic and problem-solving aspects of coding, which are crucial skills in demand in the world of work.

Engaging Activities and Real-world Applications

PASCO’s kit is full of activities that will boost student engagement as they learn about vehicle technology. Completing challenges such as engineering turn signals to designing crash test alert systems, each activity provides guidelines and support for students. The activities also promote cross-curricular connections, which is great for students to apply a variety of skill sets and knowledge in new ways. Also, the inclusion of video lessons, printed worksheets, and an interactive workbook or digital flipbook makes the learning process more student-led and accessible to all students.

What makes this unique is that students can work independently and collaboratively and have the activities book to guide their discoveries. It supports them as they work through each challenge and consider how to design their project, the coding needed, and the improvements that may need to be made, and then try again. It embraces the learning process rather than an end product. The students learn together how to improve and hopefully realize that there is always something different to try, a way to improve, and that making mistakes is fine because they are learning!

Preparing Students for the Future

Integrating activities like those in the Coding with Sensors Kit leads students to make real-world connections and understand automotive engineering and modern vehicle safety features. The code.Node kit not only educates but also hopefully sparks interest in students to consider exploring STEM-related careers, which are in demand. It makes the learning experience more relevant through real-world scenarios and applications, which shows students the impact they could make through skills in science and technology.

Learn more about the Coding with Sensors Kit and more great products from PASCO!

About the Author:

Rachelle Dené is a Spanish and STEAM: What’s Next in Emerging Technology Teacher at Riverview High School in Oakmont, PA. Rachelle is also an attorney with a Juris Doctor degree from Duquesne University School of Law and a Master’s in Instructional Technology. Rachelle is currently finishing her doctorate with a focus on AI and Professional Development. In addition to teaching, she is a full-time consultant and works with companies and organizations to provide PD, speaking, and consulting services. Contact Rachelle for your event!

Rachelle is an ISTE-certified educator and community leader and served as president of the ISTE Teacher Education Network. She was named one of 30 12 IT Influencers to follow in 2021 and one of 150 Women Global EdTech Thought Leaders in 2022.

She is the author of eight books including ‘In Other Words: Quotes That Push Our Thinking,” “Unconventional Ways to Thrive in EDU,” “The Future is Now: Looking Back to Move Ahead,” “Chart A New Course: A Guide to Teaching Essential Skills for Tomorrow’s World, “True Story: Lessons That One Kid Taught Us,” and her newest book “Things I Wish […] Knew” is now available at

Contact Rachelle to schedule sessions about Artificial Intelligence, Coding, AR/VR, and more for your school or your event! Submit the Contact Form.

Follow Rachelle on Twitter(X) and Instagram at @Rdene915

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Diving Into Tomorrow: AI’s Role in Revolutionizing Writing Education

Guest post by Micah Miner @MinerClass

As GenAI tools increasingly shape the spaces where we teach and learn, it’s time to reimagine how we assess student writing. By embracing distributed assessment, we can harness the power of AI to foster growth, safeguard integrity, and center the student experience in a dynamic and exciting way. This shift aims to ensure students get the necessary support and guidance to thrive. Enter distributed assessment, a game-changing strategy that marries the strengths of AI with the irreplaceable insight of human teachers, nurturing student growth, fostering integrity, and sparking engagement in writing.

Unlocking the Potential of Distributed Assessment

Imagine breaking down the essay writing process into smaller, more manageable pieces. With each step, students receive specific feedback, guiding their journey. Picture the structure of a typical 5-paragraph essay. By harnessing AI tools in collaboration with educators, students are enveloped in a tailored support system, one that adjusts to their personal needs and aspirations through every phase of writing. From the initial AI starter that helps students generate a table of contents or starting sentence, to the multiple checkpoints where both AI and human teachers provide feedback and record grades, this distributed approach ensures that students receive timely and tailored support throughout the writing journey.

The Synergy of AI and Educators

What makes distributed assessment stand out is its inherent collaborative spirit. AI excels in offering immediate, precise feedback on the technicalities of writing, and identifying areas for enhancement such as clarity and coherence. Teachers, on the other hand, bring a human touch that AI cannot replicate. They provide in-depth, personalized advice, exploring the reasons behind writing decisions and fostering creativity and analytical thinking. This powerful combination ensures students receive well-rounded feedback throughout the writing journey.

Navigating Through Checkpoints

Gone are the days of assessing an essay only at its conclusion. Distributed assessment introduces a paradigm shift—feedback is integrated at pivotal moments throughout the writing journey. This approach allows students to refine their work continuously, ensuring a polished final piece. It empowers students, offering them the chance to improve with the guidance of both AI and their teachers at crucial intervals, like after drafting their first version or during peer reviews. This method not only bolsters learners but it ensures students receive well-rounded human and AI feedback throughout the writing journey.

Championing Academic Integrity

The rise of AI in writing education brings up valid concerns about academic honesty. Distributed assessment addresses these head-on. By engaging students in a process where drafts are reviewed, and feedback is given regularly, educators can closely follow each student’s writing evolution, identifying any discrepancies early. This ongoing dialogue between students, teachers, and AI tools creates a culture of transparency and accountability that is essential in an era where the lines between human and machine-generated writing are increasingly blurred.

Empowering Learners Every Step of the Way

Perhaps the most significant impact of distributed assessment lies in its ability to transform writing education into a student-centric experience. With ongoing support and feedback, students are better positioned to grasp new concepts, set achievable goals, and actively participate in their learning journey. This shift from focusing solely on grades to fostering growth and introspection encourages students to view writing as an evolving, continual process.

Looking Forward

As AI starts playing a bigger part in how we learn and teach, it’s clear that distributed assessment is becoming a game-changer. It’s all about using this tech to its fullest while keeping things personal and focused on the students. This means teachers can do more than just beef up writing skills; they can help students think more deeply and reflect on their learning, skills that are gold in today’s world. So, let’s dive in, eager to try new things, shift gears when needed, and put our hearts into guiding our students forward.

It is important to note that the U.S. Department of Education’s guidelines advocate for a human-centric, equitable, and transparent application of AI in classrooms where humans are in the loop. It is true that we should always remind ourselves as educators of the importance of keeping human relationships, reasoning skills, and ethics at the forefront of educational AI use. AI holds incredible potential to automate mundane tasks, enabling a deeper focus on fostering student relationships and growth. By moving forward with equity and collaboration at the core, we can collectively harness AI’s power to enrich education like never before.

About the Author

Micah Miner – District Administrator Instructional Technology & Social Studies at Maywood, Melrose Park, Broadview School District 89, American Consortium for Equity in Education Contributing Writer, Times 10 Publications Author

Contact Rachelle to schedule sessions about Artificial Intelligence, Coding, AR/VR, and more for your school or your event! Submit the Contact Form.

Follow Rachelle on Twitter(X) and Instagram at @Rdene915

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Digital Badging

Digital Badges & Micro-credentials: Being an Edtech Librarian in 2024

By Amanda Hunt aka @thenextgenlibrarian

These two concepts, badging, and education, play crucial roles in modern classrooms and libraries, bridging the gap between learning, recognition, and advocacy. In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, educators are not just running to catch up to new technologies; they’re becoming the pioneers and advocates for their integration into the classroom, library, and beyond. As traditional teaching methods intersect with innovative digital tools, educators are seizing the opportunity to become leaders in educational technology (EdTech). One notable trend in this realm is the rise of educators earning digital badges and ambassadorships from EdTech apps, websites, and more.

Digital badges have emerged as a means to recognize and showcase an individual’s skills and accomplishments in various fields, including education. By showcasing these badges, educators are putting their resumes in their email signatures. They are showing how they are still learning, usually on their own time, how to best take these new apps and bring them into the school buildings. Badges serve as virtual credentials, providing evidence of a teacher’s expertise in utilizing specific EdTech tools or implementing innovative teaching practices. The process of earning digital badges typically involves completing training modules, sharing lessons created using the tools, participating in workshops, or demonstrating proficiency in using a particular technology within an educational context.

Ambassadorships, on the other hand, involve a deeper level of engagement between educators and EdTech companies. Educator/Teacher ambassadors are selected representatives who possess in-depth knowledge of a company’s products or services and are passionate about integrating them effectively into teaching and learning environments. These ambassadors serve as advocates, sharing their experiences, insights, examples, and best practices with fellow educators, thereby fostering a community of learning and collaboration. A lot of times, they will present these tools in webinars, online, and in-person conferences.

What is the draw for educators to get certified in badges and earn ambassadorships? Firstly, in a rapidly digitizing world, staying abreast of the latest technological advancements is crucial for educators to deliver high-quality instruction. Many schools require teachers to use some form of technology in their classrooms. By having the librarian earn micro-credentials and badges through professional development training, they’re able to teach the teachers how to use the tools so they can use them in the classroom with students. By earning digital badges, educators demonstrate their commitment to training, growth, and improvement, as well as their willingness to adapt to new teaching methodologies. These badges also serve as a tangible record of their ongoing learning journey, which can be invaluable for career advancement and professional recognition.

Secondly, ambassadorships offer educators a platform to amplify their voices and influence within the EdTech community. Sometimes there’s even swag involved! As ambassadors, educators have the opportunity to network with industry professionals, participate in exclusive events and conferences, and contribute to the development and improvement of educational technologies. Moreover, serving as an ambassador allows educators to shape the direction of EdTech tools by providing feedback based on their practical experiences in the classroom.

Additionally, both digital badges and ambassadorships contribute to building a culture of collaboration and innovation within the education world. By sharing their knowledge and expertise, educators inspire their peers to explore new technologies and teaching methodologies, ultimately enhancing the learning experience for students. Moreover, the recognition and validation offered by digital badges and ambassadorships motivate educators to continuously seek out opportunities for professional growth and development. Too often these edtech companies don’t think as a teacher, but as a business owner. Asking for teacher input is critical for making their products successful, adaptable and future ready.

The increasing prevalence of educators earning digital badges and ambassadorships reflects a growing recognition of their pivotal role in driving innovation and transformation in education. Teachers and librarians want to be recognized for the work they’re doing and oftentimes, that’s not happening on their campuses. By leveraging these opportunities, educators can not only enhance their own professional development but also contribute to the broader goal of creating more engaging, inclusive, and effective learning environments for students around the world. As we continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of educational technology, educators will undoubtedly remain at the forefront, shaping the future of teaching and learning. In the dynamic landscape of education, digital badges, and ambassadorships empower both learners and educators. Whether it’s recognizing discrete competencies or championing innovative tools, these concepts shape the future of teaching and learning.

Remember, every badge earned and every ambassadorship created contributes to a deeper, more connected educational ecosystem.


Amanda Hunt, aka TheNextGenLibrarian, is a 6th-8th middle school librarian in New Braunfels ISD and is the Secondary Lead Librarian for NBISD. She’s been a librarian for twelve years at both elementary and secondary campuses. She was the chair for the Mavericks Graphic Novel Reading List Committee for TLA from 2021-2023. She was also the chair for TxASL Talks Editorial Board and presently is the TxASL Councilor through 2025. She also serves on the Conference Planning Committee for the TLA 2024 conference. Hunt is on the Bylaws Committee for TLA and the Operating Procedures Committee member for TxASL. She is on the AASL Committee for rewriting the new AASL Standards. Amanda has served on the Cybil Award YA Speculative Reading List Committee for 2023 and the Margaret Edwards 2025 Award Committee. She was a TLA TxASL Media and Visual Presence (MVP) Honoree for 2021 and 2023, and the TLA Branding Iron Award 2022 Winner for Digital Only Communications in a School Library. Amanda is a certified Apple Teacher and Apple Learning Coach, as well as a Google-certified Trainer and Coach. She has certifications in a variety of #edtech tools and is a voracious reader. Visit her linktree: and follow her across social media @thenextgenlibrarian

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