A Huge Opportunity for Adult Education: Preparing and Navigating an AI-Driven Future

Guest post by @MattRhoads1990 Matthew Rhoads, Ed.D.

As generative AI continues to evolve and reshape the way we work, the need for a workforce that can thrive in this new landscape is becoming increasingly apparent. How can we ensure that adult white-collar workers are equipped with the necessary digital, data, and AI literacy skills to meet the needs of businesses and communities? One promising solution lies in adult school CTE programs that focus on reskilling and upskilling adults for the AI-driven future. With an emphasis on lifelong learning and adaptability, these programs can serve as a catalyst for expanding adult education and bridging the skills gap.

The New Landscape of Adult Ed

As we navigate a world of AI, adult education has an opportunity to provide non-credit and credential programs that prioritize digital, data, and AI literacy. These programs can be in various forms, from short-term, intensive courses to flexible online, blended, and in-person learning options. What does this mean for adult learners? With an array of choices at their fingertips, they can now customize their learning experience to align with their needs, interests, and professional goals to meet the ever-evolving world, which will require consistent retooling and upskilling.

Let’s jump into one example of this that is happening now. The Los Angeles Valley College offers a “Data Science Bootcamp,” an intensive, hands-on program designed to equip adult learners with the skills needed to analyze, visualize, and interpret data in today’s data-driven world. Programs like this demonstrate the immense potential of adult education in preparing workers for the future.

Tailoring Programs to Local Communities

To maximize their impact, adult CTE programs must be tailored to the unique needs of local industries and communities. By understanding the specific demands of their region, adult education providers can design relevant and effective programs that truly resonate with learners.

Take, for instance, the partnership between the San Francisco Adult School and local tech companies. By collaborating with these businesses, the adult school has been able to create a curriculum that addresses the specific skills needed for employment in the thriving local tech industry. This close collaboration ensures that students gain the most relevant skills for their local job market while businesses benefit from a more skilled and prepared workforce.

Emphasizing Lifelong Learning in Adult Education

As the world of AI and technology continues to evolve at breakneck speed, becoming a lifelong learner is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity. Adult CTE programs must prioritize fostering a growth mindset and a commitment to continuous learning among their students.

One way to achieve this is by creating learning environments that encourage curiosity, resilience, and adaptability. For example, an adult education program might incorporate real-world projects, mentorship, and peer collaboration into its curriculum, allowing students to learn from one another and apply their newly acquired skills in practical contexts.

Section 4: The Role of Adult Education in Bridging the Skills Gap

By reskilling and upskilling adults in digital, data, and AI literacy, adult CTE programs can play a critical role in bridging the skills gap in the workforce. The economic and social benefits of expanding adult education in this area are immense, but realizing this potential requires collaboration between adult education providers, businesses, and governments.

Take, for instance, the initiative launched by the state of California to invest in adult education programs aimed at equipping workers with the skills needed for in-demand jobs in the tech sector. This investment demonstrates the importance of collective efforts to support and invest in adult education as a key solution for the challenges ahead.

Conclusion: Navigating an AI-Driven Culture

As we navigate the AI-driven future, the importance of adult education cannot be overstated. Adult education providers have a unique opportunity to redefine and expand their role in this new landscape. By embracing this challenge, they can help to ensure that our workforce is prepared to thrive in the world of AI.


To brainstorm and develop various drafts of the blog, the following prompt was utilized on GPT-4 by Open AI. The AI Generative Response was edited and revised: I am an education innovator in adult education. I am writing a blog post on generative AI and how we will have to re-train the adult white collared workforce to meet the needs of our businesses and communities in the world of AI. The premise of the blog is that adult school CTE programs can offer a wide range of programs that integrate digital, data, and AI literacy to reskill adults in our communities to work in these new work environments. Additionally, we will need to have an emphasis on our programs to teach our students to be lifelong learners where they will have to reinvent themselves often to navigate the world we live in. Focus on how non-credit and credential programs we can offer locally can help solve this program for our local communities. Outline in-depth how this is a huge opportunity to expand adult education – keep this as the central theme.

About Rachelle:

Dr. Rachelle Dené Poth is a Spanish and STEAM: What’s Next in Emerging Technology Teacher at Riverview High School in Oakmont, PA. Rachelle is also an attorney with a Juris Doctor degree from Duquesne University School of Law and a Master’s in Instructional Technology. Rachelle received her Doctorate in Instructional Technology, and her research focus was on AI and Professional Development. In addition to teaching, she is a full-time consultant and works with companies and organizations to provide PD, speaking, and consulting services. Contact Rachelle for your event!

She is the author of nine books, and her newest, “How To Teach AI,” is available from ISTE or on Amazon.

Contact Rachelle to schedule sessions about Artificial Intelligence, Coding, AR/VR, and more for your school or your event! Submit the Contact Form.

Follow Rachelle on Twitter(X) and Instagram at @Rdene915

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